We are pleased to introduce our self as an exporter, manufacturer and trader of fabric. We produce good quality fabric on our own leading units. Our range of qualities is Plan, Twills, Drill, Sheeting, Shirting, Satins Plain/, Stripe and Box, Jacquard, Bird’s Eye, Percales, Duck, Bedford Cord, Rib Stop, Canvas, Ottoman, Herringbone, Honey Comb, Woffle, Sear Sucker, Dyed Yarn etc. All in Grey , Dyed, Bleached and Printed in 100% Cotton, Poly Cotton, Denim or any other blending as per customer requirements from 36” to 142” Inches finished from low to high end Articles.
Suite # F-122, Raja Centre Main Marketing, Gulberg II, Lahore, Lahore 54000, Punjab, Pakistan
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